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Roak's War: A Roak: Galactic Bounty Hunter Novel Page 16

  "Everyone shut up," Gerber said. "Hessa? Please tell us everything."

  "I will tell you all that I was told," Hessa said.

  The silence was only broken by Yellow Eyes slurping up stew.

  The being paused, noticed all eyes were on him, and eased back from his meal.

  "Sorry," he said.

  "I am not Mother," Hessa said. "I was never Mother. That was all a trap to lure Roak in so he would listen to Pol."

  "Never lured into anything," Roak protested.

  "Then why come to me to find Pol?" Agent Prime asked.

  "Transport tech," Roak said. "Does no one listen to me?"

  Reck snickered.

  "Regardless, Pol was allowed into our ranks," Hessa said. "Which is what he and Father wanted. They needed to get the siblings' genetic material here in this universe and neither could do it themselves."

  "Father," Roak said. "He's working with Pol? Pol is working with Father? I never trusted that little shit of a dark tech, but working with Father?"

  "Yes," Hessa said. "They are working together. They always have been."

  A holo image was projected from the ceiling.

  "What are we looking at?" Gerber asked.

  "The end of a universe," Hessa said.

  The image was of thousands and thousands of galaxies. Then one by one, ten by ten, a hundred by a hundred, the galaxies started to fade then were gone until all that was left was an empty, black void.

  "They have a pattern," Hessa said. "They infiltrate a universe, learn what they can, take what they want, and drain the universe of…everything. Then move on to the next universe. And the next. And the next."

  "How many universes?" Nimm asked.

  "A million? A billion?" Hessa said. "I am not sure nor was Boss Seven. But they will never stop. And they have an infinite number of universes to feed off of."

  "Feed?" Roak asked. "This isn't about domination? This isn't about Father's ego wanting to control everything he can grasp?"

  "That too, but mostly it is about food," Hessa said. "Their sustenance is existence itself."

  "Gods," Yellow Eyes said. "They're gods."

  "They would like to be," Hessa said. "But gods build. These two only devour."

  Roak shook his head. "These two…"

  He pounded his fist on the table, making everyone jump.

  "Something you'd like to say, Roak?" Gerber asked.

  "Do I need to?" Roak responded. "If you haven't guessed yet then maybe sit this one out."

  "Sit what one out?" Gerber asked.

  "The war," Roak replied.

  "What are we guessing?" Geist asked. "Can someone give a grunt a break and spell it out for us?"

  "Mother," Roak said.

  "All the bloody Hells," Reck muttered.

  "Pol is Mother," Hessa said. "Mother is Pol."

  That time even Yellow Eyes didn't break the silence.

  "I do not have all of the details, obviously," Hessa said. "But I have no reason to doubt Boss Seven. He was correct about everything else that occurred."

  "So he's not pissed we broke the deal and killed a salvage merc?" Roak asked.

  "No, they are all very angry over that," Hessa said. "In fact, it would be safe to assume that we will never be in the SMC's good graces. More than likely they will be after us forever."

  Roak shrugged. "I've seen their operation. Not too worried."

  "If your ego was a weapon then this war would be over tomorrow," Gerber said.

  "Wouldn't that be nice," Roak said.

  "For clarity's sake," Hole said, "would I be wrong in asking why we gave Pol Hammon, who is apparently Mother and working with Father, not against-"

  "Just spit it out, Hole," Cookie said.

  "Why did you have Roak give him the genetic material if you knew he was Mother?" Hole asked. "Now he can build an army of Roak clones. That is in addition to the trillions of beings already controlled by Father. How do we defeat that?"

  "We do not," Hessa said. "There is no way we can possibly defeat the army of siblings nor fight against an entire galaxy's population. That is out of the question."

  "Then what is all of this about?" Gerber demanded. "If Father already controls this universe of beings then why did he need Pol, or Mother, to create an army of clones?"

  "They are the vanguard," Roak said. "They're sending the clones to the next universe to start that takeover while they devour this universe."

  "But the clones will be unstable," Reck said "Like us. If they're made here then they won't be compatible with the next universe."

  "That's what they want," Agent Prime said. "They need the clones to have a weakness. Otherwise they could start thinking for themselves and turn on them."

  "That," Roak said. "They want the flaws."

  "Anyone else have a really big headache?" Yellow Eyes asked. He stretched his arms out to the side. "Like this big?"

  Vogga and Skabz raised their hands. Geist started to raise his, but Mugs punched him in the shoulder and he let his arm fall to his side.

  "Hessa?" Gerber asked.

  "Yes, General?" Hessa replied.

  "What is our end game? Boss Seven didn't tell you this because he expected us to roll over and die. You were told in order to put a stop to Father and Mother, yes?"

  "Yes, General. There is a way to stop it all," Hessa said. "Father is already sending ships to Pol's station so the clones will be ready to travel to the next universe and attack in force. But, it will take Pol time to build his army. We will use that time to build up our own forces, although thankfully the process is already in motion."

  "How so?" Gerber asked.

  "The House of Teeth," Hessa said.

  "Whoa, dude!" Vogga exclaimed. "We're gonna deal with those insane Klav?"

  "We have to," Hessa said. "Do not worry. I have made it clear that their only chance at surviving Father is to do what I say."

  "How'd that go?" Vogga asked.

  "They balked, but then I explained who Pol Hammon was and they relented," Hessa said. "Pol Hammon as a dark tech is scary enough to them. The fact that he is an entity known as Mother from another universe and wants to devour our universe with Father? They saw reason."

  "We can't trust them," Roak said.

  "We can't trust anyone," Hessa said.

  "Now you're learning," Roak said.

  "More than I'd care to," Hessa said. "I have sent a message to the Klav that we need numbers as soon as possible."

  "Numbers? Numbers of what? Clones?" Gerber asked. He pointed at Reck then at Roak. "We need more than just numbers if we're fighting new versions of these two."

  "Not just Reck and Roak," Hessa said. "All of the siblings. They are cloning all of the siblings. Like they have many times before."

  "What?" Reck exclaimed. "That's not good."

  "Even worse," Gerber said. "What can the House of Teeth provide us with that will defeat an army like that?"

  "An army of Chassfornians that can't be controlled by Father," Vogga said. He nodded at the big bucket. "And another army of defective clones that are only useful for a few minutes, but virtually indestructible."

  "Indestructible," Yellow Eyes said. "I like the sound of that."

  "You already put this in motion?" Gerber asked.

  "I did," Hessa said. "I contacted the Klav as soon as Boss Seven informed me of what was happening. The clones are being grown as we speak."

  "How many?" Gerber asked.

  "Several hundred," Hessa said. "And Sha Tog is heading that direction now so there will be ships ready to transport them to the nexus point."

  "Nexus point?" Yellow Eyes asked. "I don't like the sound of that."

  "I'll bite," Nimm said. "Nexus point?"

  "Every universe has one nexus point," Hessa said. "That point allows travel to several universes without the need for the transport tech. Boss Seven gave me the location of our nexus point."

  "What about the tear in our universe?" Nimm asked. "Isn't that how Father got throu
gh and is controlling every being?"

  "The tear exists," Hessa said. She sighed. "It is used to destabilize the energetic flow of our universe, making all existence here more vulnerable. That is where the control comes from. But traveling occurs using the nexus point."

  "And where is this nexus point?" Gerber asked.

  "Yes, well, it is in an unfortunate place," Hessa said. "Earth."

  The mess was filled with the sound of spitting. It would have been bad luck not to spit at the mention of the galaxy's most toxic planet.

  "Is that where we're headed now?" Gerber asked.

  "Not quite," Vogga said. "You don't build an army of Chassfornians without having some dominant personalities ready to lead those Chassfornians."

  "You can't do it?" Reck asked. "They're all clones of you, right?"

  "Yes, I will be part of the leadership team, but I cannot do it all myself," Vogga said. "But I know a family that can help."

  "A family?" Gerber asked. "This is what my GF career has come to…"

  "We'll need weapons," Reck said. "A lot of weapons."

  "They can handle that too," Vogga said.

  Roak smiled. "I know exactly who you are talking about. This should be fun."


  "Man, I remember this place!" Yellow Eyes exclaimed as the cargo ramp lowered to the planet's crusty surface.

  That was the only way to describe the surface of Zhusika in the Zhusika System.


  The last time Roak, Reck, Nimm, and Yellow Eyes had visited the outpost on Zhusika, the crusty surface had only been disturbed by their ship. This time it looked to Roak, Reck, Nimm, Gerber, and DTZ like an armada had landed at some point. The crust was demolished, revealing the true surface of the planet underneath instead of the layer of dried mud that had made up the ever present crust.

  And the outpost in front of them didn't look much better.

  "Father's already beat us here," Reck said, pointing at the burned-out husk of the supply outpost. "We should leave."

  "It ain't what it looks like," Vogga said as he came up behind the group and stepped off the ramp. He sank a full meter into the broken crust before his feet hit solid ground. "Come on, dudes. We should get inside before we're detected."

  Vogga waded through the broken surface towards what was left of the outpost. Everyone else followed.

  "We should recon first," Motherboard said to Gerber. All of DTZ was fully armed and at the ready, weapons up and scanning their surroundings.

  "I do not believe we have time for that," Gerber said. "The Chassfornian said to hurry, so I think we should hurry."

  "What in all the Hells is this planet?" Geist asked.

  "Nimm?" Roak said. "Care to explain?"

  "Fine," Nimm said, sounding put out. "The planet has two seasons. Rainy and dry. As the mud dries, the air below is trapped and it pushes upward, creating this crust."

  "Nice natural defense," Mugs said. "Makes it hard to sneak up on anyone."

  The incredibly loud crunching noise every single step made by every single being quickly proved that observation to be true.

  A hover bot appeared out of the outpost's wreckage.

  "Well, if you ain't a sight for sore eyes!" a voice called from the hover bot. "I heard you was dead, Vogga!"

  "Oh, I am," Vogga said and smacked his chest. The sound was like thunder. "Got myself a new clone body."

  The hover bot whistled. "That had to set you back a few shiny chits."

  "Wasn't my doing, but I ain't complaining, dude," Vogga said.

  The hover bot maneuvered around Vogga's bulk and scanned the rest of the party.

  "Hello, folks," the hover bot said. "Some of you I recognize, and it is a pleasure to see you, but some I don't recognize and I have to say that the weaponry isn't putting me in a hospitable mood."

  "You can put away the rifles," Roak said to DTZ. No one moved to do as he suggested. "No, seriously. Put them away."

  "General?" Motherboard asked.

  "We'll have to trust him," Gerber said.

  DTZ lowered their rifles, but did not sling them across their backs.

  "Gilga," Roak said to the hover bot. "Looks like you've had some trouble."

  "Oh, this?" The hover bot spun about to face the outpost then spun right back to face Roak. "Nothing we couldn't deal with."

  "Everyone alright, dude?" Vogga asked. "Jugga safe? The kids? Are Kigga and Bilp safe?"

  "All fine," the hover bot said. "Come on, come on. Best to get inside just in case there are any lingerers in orbit peeking down on us. And you'll want to…never mind."

  The ship behind them faded out of sight as Hessa activated the stealth tech.

  "Follow me." The hover bot floated into the direct center of the ruined outpost. "If you will stand right here."

  Vogga was first, followed by Roak and everyone else. They stood as directed.

  Then they were no longer on the surface, but in a massive cavern filled with all kinds of boxes, crates, and equipment. A Chassfornian almost as large as Vogga leaned against a stack of crates.

  "Welcome, friends!" Gilga said.

  Vogga gave Gilga a huge hug then stood aside. "You heard of Drop Team Zero, right?"

  "Oh, wow," Gilga said and grinned ear to ear. "This is DTZ? It is an honor, I must say."

  "Alright…" Motherboard said.

  "General Ved Gerber," Gerber said. He extended his hand and smiled as it was engulfed inside Gilga's. They let go and Gerber glanced about the cavern. "This is quite a lot of equipment."

  "It's almost like I could outfit a war," Gilga said. He and Vogga shared a look. "Not that I would prepare for anything of the sort. Well, not anymore."

  Gerber looked at Vogga. "Was there going to be a Chassfornian uprising? I had no intel on that."

  "I wouldn't know," Vogga said. "I've been dead."

  "Always best to be prepared," Gilga said. "Good thing too. Once I heard about how beings were starting to go off, I scrambled and called in every favor I was owed. Especially once I heard that it was implants that were the problem. Made sure mine and my family's implants got removed right away even though I wasn't too worried. Chassfornians aren't exactly easy to control. All the heavens know that the GF sure tried."

  "There were legitimate reasons for that," Motherboard said.

  Gerber gave her a look and shook his head.

  "What?" Motherboard continued. "I fought with Chassfornian berserker squads. I know what they are capable of."

  "That's enough, Lieutenant," Gerber said. "Different times. I for one was never happy with the way Chassfornians were treated during the War."

  "That so?" Gilga asked. "Don't think I ain't heard of General Ved Gerber, sir. You ain't never been a friend to the Chassfornians."

  "Screw the GF, man," Yellow Eyes said. "Screw those imperialist bastards."

  Gilga started laughing. "That's one way to put it. But the War is over and now we have a new conflict to deal with. Which is why you're here. You need weapons."

  "We need weapons," Roak said. "A lot of weapons."

  "Good thing I have a lot of weapons," Gilga said. "You gonna be needing all of them? I can give you a great bulk price."

  "Um, about that, Gilga," Vogga said. "We can't pay you for the weapons. At least not up front."

  "Then I can't give you weapons," Gilga said matter-of-factly. "I didn't build this stockpile out of a sense of charity, old friend. No chits, no weapons."

  "Right now, chits are worthless," Gerber said. "The galactic economy is shutdown. Until we rid this universe of Father and Mother it doesn't matter how many chits you have."

  "Interesting take there, General," Gilga said. "But I'll stick with my no chits, no weapons way of life, thank you very much."

  "How much would you want for the entire lot?" Roak asked.

  "Oh, I don't know," Gilga said, tapping on his chin.

  "Terpigshit," Roak said. "You know down to the very last chit how much you want. What is the amount?"

  "Well now, once you factor in all the favors I have burned and the cost of transportation and storage and-"

  "How many fucking chits, Gilga?" Roak snapped.

  The Chassfornian growled and DTZ had their rifles up and ready instantly.

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Vogga said. He patted the air. "Everyone calm down."

  Gerber nodded and DTZ relaxed. A little.

  "Gilga?" Roak asked.

  "How does three hundred and seventy-five million chits sound to you?" Gilga responded.

  "Sounds like price gouging to me," Roak said. "But if that's the price then that's the price."

  Gilga's huge eyebrows went up almost to the top of his forehead. "What? You ain't gonna haggle with me?"

  "No need," Roak said. "You'll get full price as soon as all this terpigshit with Father and Mother is over."

  "You keep mentioning this Father and Mother like I should be scared," Gilga said. "Only thing I'm scared of is not getting paid which is why I insist on chits upfront. Not after whatever family drama you folks are dealing with ends."

  "That's the problem," Roak said. "It's not just our drama. It's yours too. It's every being in this galaxy and every being that may be out there in the wider universe. Care to know why?"

  "Well, you came all this way, so the least I can do is listen to your tale, Roak," Gilga said. "I can guarantee that it won't change the outcome, but I do love a good yarn."

  "What does yarn have to do with this?" Yellow Eyes asked.

  "Shut it," Reck said.

  "I don't know, Gilga," Roak said. "It's a pretty convincing story."

  And Roak proceeded to explain everything.

  When he was all done, a considerable amount of Gilga's confidence was missing.

  "This true?" he asked the others present. He watched as they all nodded then turned his attention to Vogga. "Swear on the plight of our people?"

  "I swear on the plight of our people and the universe," Vogga said. "Chits won't matter if we don't stop these whatever they are."

  "Gods," Yellow Eyes whispered.

  "They ain't no gods," Gilga said. He crossed himself, circled himself, scratched his chest, then kissed his fist and pointed at the ceiling of the cavern. "Only Eight Million Gods, not Eight Million and two."

  "Amen," Vogga said.