I Page 18
The servant looked at Meredith then set the bottle of brandy between them.
“Do you enjoy your drink regularly, Alexis?” Meredith asked. “Or are you merely a social indulger?”
“I can put away a bottle now and again,” Alexis said. “But I do not partake as much as I used to. I’ll admit to quite a bit of debauchery during my lost years, though.”
“Your lost years? That was when you sent your children down to Helios to live on Aelon Prime, am I right? That must have been hard to do.”
“Keeping them with me would have been harder,” Alexis said. “For them as much as for me. I was not in my right mind for a good long time after I lost Eliza and the others.”
“No, I would think not,” Meredith sighed. “And did the drinking work? Did it wash away the grief?”
“Of course not,” Alexis said. “Only time can do that.”
“Good to know,” Meredith said. “Although I hope to never find out personally.”
“Do you not want children?” Alexis asked.
“Oh, I do, very much,” Meredith said. “I just don’t want the heartbreak that can come with them.”
“It is worth it,” Alexis said. “In some strange way, at least.”
“Do you see him?”
“Your son Alexis,” Meredith replied. “Does he visit the station often or do you visit him on your prime?”
“There have been visits,” Alexis frowned. “Not as many as there should be, but we enjoy each other’s company when we can.”
“And is he as tall and strapping as his father?” Meredith grinned.
“Much more so,” Alexis admitted. “He is a very handsome young man. Fair-complected like me. Perhaps an inch or two taller, even.”
“Already? How old is he?”
“Thirteen. No. Fourteen? My Helios, I can’t remember my own son’s age,” Alexis laughed as he downed his brandy. “Probably a side effect of those lost years.”
“Years of debauchery,” Meredith added. “Your son is so young to be so tall.”
“It’s the way of the Teirmonts,” Alexis shrugged. “We grow big.”
“Do you?” Meredith responded, her hand moving along his leg. “Is that so?”
“It is,” Alexis nodded, letting her do as she pleased. “I would never brag about something that could so easily be disproved.”
“Sire?” Stolt interrupted as he stepped up behind the master. “I believe Master Paul would like to discuss business now. Shall I tell him you are coming?”
“Must we do that now?” Alexis asked. “I have been sitting here enjoying the minoress’s company.”
“Which is why Paul wants to talk now,” Meredith said, keeping her eyes averted from the sight of her brother sitting at the front of the great hall. “He’s been watching us have fun and now wants to take that away. One thing you must know about my brother is he is perpetually five years old and hates it when others have fun that he is not a part of. He will kick your sandcastle over, Alexis, for no other reason than just to see you cry. Be warned.”
“I know how to protect my castles, my dear,” Alexis said as he reluctantly stood up. His lips found her cheek and brushed it lightly. “I protect everything I care for.”
His words sent a small shiver down Meredith’s spine and for the first time that evening she looked like she was at a loss for words.
“Yes, well, he is waiting,” Stolt said, unsure of what he had witnessed. “Shall we, sire?”
“Lead the way, Cousin,” Alexis said as he rolled his eyes and then winked at Meredith. “You will be here when I return, I hope?”
“Oh, I have no plans to abandon you, Alexis,” Meredith replied.
“Good,” Alexis said and bowed low. “Until then, my lady.”
Stolt waved towards the front of the hall and Paul gave a perfunctory wave back as the steward and master walked towards the Master of Station Thraen.
“You seem to be getting on well with the minoress,” Stolt said. “She seems like a lovely person. You know who else is a lovely person? Stewardess Vla—”
“Stop, Cousin,” Alexis interrupted. “I have no interest in any stewardess, no matter what wealth and holdings she has.”
“But, sire, part of why we are here is to shore up Aelon’s treasury,” Stolt said. “And in order to do that we must find you a match that has sufficient resources.”
“And the entire station and Prime of Thraen is not sufficient enough for you, Stolt?” Alexis asked.
“Sire? Minoress Meredith is out of the question. Her reputation as a firebrand precedes her. I believe, if you must choose from Station Thraen, perhaps one of Master Paul’s less spirited sisters would be better suited for Aelon’s needs.”
Alexis stopped and looked at Stolt. The steward tried to smile, but the withering gaze Alexis gave him made it difficult.
“Or you could do as you see fit for the station, sire,” Stolt said quickly. “Your happiness is always what is best for all of Aelon.”
“It’s also what is best for you, Cousin,” Alexis stated. “Always keep that in mind.”
“Oh, I do, sire, no worry there,” Stolt said then gestured towards the waiting master. “Shall we complete the main part of why we have come to Station Thraen?”
“Yes, please,” Alexis said, looking over his shoulder at where Meredith sat, her eyes watching him closely. “The sooner we conclude this part the sooner I can get started on the next.”
* * *
She slammed him up against the wall as soon as the door closed to her quarters. Their mouths pressed hard against each other, as did their bodies, while their hands fumbled at laces and clasps.
“Damn this dress!” Meredith snarled as she pushed Alexis away. “It takes three of my ladies to get me into the stupid thing!”
She grabbed Alexis by the collar and yanked him back towards her mouth. She nearly devoured him as his hands lifted her layers of skirts only to find even more layers.
“Use your blade,” she gasped.
“I plan to,” he replied.
“No, moron, your actual blade,” she laughed. “Cut me out of this Helios forsaken dress!”
Alexis stepped away and grabbed the hilt of his short blade. It was a ceremonial one, only brought out on official business, but it was still plenty sharp.
“Are you sure? That is quite the dress,” Alexis said.
“You’ll buy me another,” she said as she turned around and pointed to the long row of laces that went from the nape of her neck all the way down past her lower back.
“Will I?” Alexis chuckled as he hooked the tip of the blade under the very bottom lace. “That’s presumptuous of you.”
“This entire encounter is presumptuous,” Meredith laughed. “There is only one way forward from here, you know. Too many people saw us leave the hall together, stagger down the passageway together, and will soon hear how loud we are together. You will ask me to be your wife and you will buy me a new dress.”
“I don’t think we have anything as beautiful as this dress on Station Aelon,” Alexis responded, not quite grasping what she said, as he slit every lace up her back with a quick swipe of his blade. “But I will make sure to change that.”
“Yes, you will,” Meredith said as she turned about and shimmied out of her dress.
She stood there in her undergarments which hugged her long torso and muscular legs. Alexis was on her at once, but she shoved him back, her eyes looking him up and down.
“You’ve seen me in my dainties, now let’s see the legendary Master of Station Aelon in his,” Meredith smirked. “Fair is fair, Alexis.”
“You don’t want to see this old man’s broken body,” Alexis replied as he stepped back from her.
“Alexis,” Meredith said as she moved towards him and took his hands, pressing them to her chest. “If this is going to go where I think we both expect it to go, then you’ll have to undress in front of me at some point. Husband and wife can’t remain mo
dest for long.”
“Husband and…” he trailed off, finally catching up and realizing the true implications of what was occurring. “So you would consider it?”
“Consider it?” Meredith laughed. “I’ve dreamed of it since that day on Helios. I was a minoress rescued by a master. Please, you can’t top that for an adolescent girl’s fantasy.”
“But we barely know each other.”
“Oh, shut up,” Meredith said as she gripped his tunic and tore it open. “You know familiarity plays no part in matches of royalty. We should feel lucky we feel anything for each other at all.”
She pulled his tunic off then struggled not to gasp at the stained dressing that covered part of his side and abdomen.
“Is that…?”
“Where I was stabbed on Helios by a traitorous gatekeeper and then stabbed again by the rebel Lucas Langley,” Alexis nodded. “Damn thing refuses to heal all the way. I have to clean it daily and be careful not to allow any contaminants to get inside. It’s a burden that I do not wish to force on anyone.”
“Burden, my ass,” Meredith smiled as she led him over to the bed. “Lie down. I’ll clean it for you now.”
“That’s not necessary,” Alexis said as he tried to pull away from her, but was firmly shoved down onto the mattress. “I should leave. I’m afraid I have spoiled the mood.”
“Again, shut up,” Meredith said as she went to a side table and fetched a washcloth and basin of clean water. “You don’t know me well enough to say what mood you have spoiled. Perhaps I like to tend to weak and feeble older men?”
“Weak and feeble?” Alexis laughed, grabbing her in his arms and pulling her on top of him. “I’ll show you weak and feeble.”
“Not yet, you won’t,” Meredith smiled softly as she extricated herself from his grip. “Let me take care of this, since you have neglected it today obviously, and then perhaps I’ll let you prove my words wrong.”
Meredith carefully removed the dressing and tossed it aside. She studied the wound, which was streaked with black lines and wept a clear liquid from the edges. She hissed at the sight, but didn’t let it stop her as she wet the washcloth and set about gently cleaning the wound from edge to edge.
“You are a different sort of woman, aren’t you?” Alexis asked. “I wonder why no other man has snatched you up.”
“Because I haven’t been waiting for another man,” Meredith said as she rinsed the washcloth and started again. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Have you now?”
“I have,” she nodded. “And not very patiently. I do hope you aren’t offended when I tell you that I lost my maidenhead a long while back.”
“I’d be surprised if you hadn’t,” Alexis laughed.
“And what does that mean?” she glared. “Is his highness calling me a slut?”
“On the contrary,” Alexis replied. “A slut is a woman that indiscriminately gives herself to men. I highly, highly doubt you do anything indiscriminately, nor would you give yourself away. You take what you want, and that is not a slut, but a woman with confidence and power.”
“You have no idea how sexy you sound right now,” Meredith smiled as she finished her second round of swabbing the wound and set the cloth and basin aside. “Luckily for me, you are all clean. Let me redress this and then you can experience my confidence and power.”
Alexis watched her walk across the quarters and into the bathroom. He could hear her opening and closing drawers until she finally came out with a fresh dressing in one hand and absolutely nothing on.
“I decided to save you the effort of removing my dainties,” Meredith grinned as she slowly walked over to the bed, making sure he saw every inch of her.
She was not a skinny woman at all, but strong and made of curves. Her legs, belly, arms rippled with muscle and Alexis couldn’t help but wonder how a woman like her could stay confined in a station. She had the body of a prime explorer and from what he’d witnessed, the temperament as well.
Neither of them spoke a word as she covered his wound with the dressing, making sure it was secure, but not too tight.
Her hand reached out and dimmed the lights then she climbed onto the bed, her legs straddling him. She shook her head and her auburn hair dangled down, tickling his cheeks as she slowly lowered herself to him, pressing her breasts into his chest.
Alexis wrapped his arms about her as she reached between his legs and joined them together. They did not move, they just stayed that way, one being of flesh, connected in the most intimate way possible. Their breathing began to synchronize and then Meredith started to move up and down upon Alexis, making both of them suddenly gasp at the same time.
Neither was in a rush, and all the talk of confidence and power was forgotten as they found a rhythm that was the complete opposite of the hurried, sweaty lovemaking each was used to. They stared into each other’s eyes as they indulged their passions with a leisurely casualness that made both of them smile broadly.
“Do I look happy?” Alexis asked.
“You do, sire,” Meredith said, her voice breathy and catching slightly on the downstroke. “Do I?”
“I believe so, my lady,” Alexis responded before his own voice was stolen by a move from Meredith that left him tingling and almost helpless under her. “That was new.”
“I saved the best for you, my dear Alexis,” Meredith giggled. “Told you, I had been waiting.”
“And am I thankful,” he replied just as he threw her to the side and rolled on top of her. “Now, how about I show you my best?”
* * *
“Well, isn’t this an unexpected delight,” Paul said as he sipped from his glass while servants laid out an elaborate brunch before him, his wife, Steward Stolt, Alexis and Meredith. “I hope it’s not just because of the immense dowry that has been accruing interest since my sister was of marrying age.” He laughed and snapped his fingers. “Quick! Someone do the compound calculations! After all the years of rejected suitors, the amount must be enormous!”
Alexis bristled at Paul’s words, but Meredith’s firm hand under the table stayed the biting response he had ready.
“Station Aelon will be happy with new wealth in their coffers,” Stolt nodded. “But, as we can all see, I believe this matter was of the heart and not the pocketbook.”
“Every matter is of the pocketbook,” Paul snickered. “Especially matters of the heart. You know that, steward. Your strategic marriages have made you a man of wealth that even some masters of station would envy.”
“I have been fortunate in my holdings, but unfortunate in my loss of spouses over the years,” Stolt replied. “How I would give up every credit to take just one of my wives in my arms again.”
“Your last wife was taken in the weeping sickness outbreak that stole all but one of Master Alexis’s heirs, am I right?” Paul asked, draining his glass. “Yet you have stayed a bachelor all these years. May I ask why?”
“I have not found the right partner,” Stolt responded. “And my duties to the crown have prevented me from having much of a private life. Perhaps when I am ready to retire from court I will find someone suitable.”
“Well, the best of luck with that, steward,” Paul said, raising his refilled glass. “And the best of luck to the newly betrothed.”
“Thank you,” Alexis said, raising his own glass. “Which brings me to a request. We would like to wed as soon as possible, possibly tomorrow, if we can. I must return to Station Aelon right away and there is no reason why Meredith should not accompany me.”
“Oh, that is much too soon,” Paul said, waving his hand in the air dismissively. “She will remain here so we can plan a proper wedding and invite all of the heads of station.”
“Understood, but the majority of them are already here,” Alexis said. “Why waste the opportunity, and time, to do this now? Stolt has already conferred with the other stewards and there have been no objections from a single station. Many will gladly remain an extra day to attend.
“Conferred already, has he?” Paul asked, locking eyes with Stolt. “Well, aren’t you the busy little honey wasp.” Paul’s face was nothing but conflicted emotions until he sat up straight and pounded a fist on the table. “Tomorrow it is! We had a Blessing Day and now we’ll have a blessed day! Helios will shine on us for our show of love and devotion to the Dear Parent’s grace!”
No one at the table bought into the master’s feigned piety, knowing full well the man only praised Helios to keep the High Guardian and gatekeepers of the Way happy and content.
“Thank you, sire,” Alexis said as he raised his glass once more. “Your devotion is a testament to us all.” He downed the glass and then yawned. “But if you will excuse me, I believe I will rest a bit before I dive into preparations for the ceremony.”
“I’ll join you,” Meredith said as she stood up from the table. All eyes fell on her and she shook her head. “For the preparations. The master is capable of resting on his own.” She leaned in close so only he could hear. “Not that we would rest much if I joined you now.”
“Is your wound acting up?” Paul asked. “I hear the thing is stubborn and refuses to heal properly. Maybe you should give some extra credits to your station gatekeepers so they may pray harder. I have always found the gatekeepers willing to pray for near about anything when properly motivated.”
“I wouldn’t burden the gatekeepers with something so trivial as my scratch,” Alexis said, standing as well. “But feel free to pay yours on my behalf. An early wedding gift, if you will.” He extended his arm and Meredith wrapped hers about it. “I’ll walk you to your quarters on the way to mine. We can talk wedding plans.”
“A lovely idea,” Meredith said as he looked at her brother. “I shall dine in my rooms tonight, brother. So much work to do.”
“Of course,” Paul said. “I understand.”
* * *
The two royals lay entwined on the bed, sheets wrapped about their naked, sweaty bodies as they breathed hard from the hour’s exertion.