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  “Everything is much freer down here on the planet,” Gannot said, ignoring the insult. “You learn to go with it or get left behind. And when you can’t breathe the atmosphere, swim in the water, or descend into a Vape mine without special equipment, you come to understand that there are more important things to life than which teacup to use during lunch.”

  “Yet, I have managed to navigate both worlds,” Meredith said, giving her husband a reproachful look. “Alexis, dear? How about you clean up for lunch and join us in the banquet hall?”

  “I believe I am better needed—” Alexis began.

  “I’ll escort Minor Alexis and young Gannot to the meal,” Meredith said. “It’ll give me time to get to know my fellow Thraen. Hurry along now.”

  Alexis stared at her, but when she didn’t budge or even blink he realized that he didn’t stand a chance of arguing the point.

  “Fine,” Alexis said. “I’ll be along shortly. Don’t wait for me. Feel free to begin eating.”

  “Of course, dear,” Meredith said. “Come along children.”

  Thomas and Eliza, glad that their mishap was completely forgotten, bolted from the room and sprinted down the passageway towards the banquet hall. Meredith held up an arm and looked at Gannot. The young man just smiled at her until Minor Alexis coughed and cleared his throat.

  “Oh, yes, of course,” Gannot laughed. “Forgive me, your highness. My wild habits are hard to break. There are some women on this planet that would crack my nose and snap my arm for offering to escort them.”

  “I am not one of those women,” Meredith said. “As you will learn while we get acquainted.”

  “Alexis? A brief word?” Alexis said, his eyes locked onto his son and heir. He saw Meredith’s face start to cloud over and he bowed. “Very brief, my love, I promise.”

  “Very well,” Meredith said, pointing towards the door. “Shall we, Gannot?”

  “It’s my pleasure,” Gannot replied, giving Minor Alexis a wink as he escorted the mistress from the room.

  “Father, I—” Minor Alexis started, but was quickly interrupted by a slap across the face.

  “When I tell you to be on a shuttle, I expect you to be on a shuttle,” Alexis snarled low. “Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Father,” Minor Alexis replied instantly. “It won’t happen again.”

  “No, it will not,” Alexis said. “As soon as lunch is finished you will be on our fastest cutter to Way Prime. You’ll still have time to make the shuttle before the planet rotates and we lose our scheduled departure window. I am not asking the Thraenish to let you ride on theirs to Station Thraen and then take a shuttle from there to Aelon. Do you know how humiliating that would be?”

  Minor Alexis prudently stayed silent.

  “Eat your lunch, say goodbye to your...friend, and then get your ass on the cutter,” Alexis said, turning his back on his son as he walked from the room.

  “Father!” Minor Alexis cried. “About Gannot…”

  “What about him?” Alexis asked, whirling on his son. “What? Out with it!”

  “I would request that he accompany me to the station,” Minor Alexis replied. “I don’t really know any of the stewards there except for Cousin Stolt and it would be good to have someone I trust around in case I need counsel.”

  “Counsel? From that roughneck? I think not,” Alexis laughed cruelly.

  “No, no, not in an official capacity,” Minor Alexis pushed. “Just as a sounding board. So I can think things through out loud.”

  “Yes, well, I’m not sure I want his sort on Station Aelon,” Alexis said.

  “His sort?” Minor Alexis asked. “What does that mean?”

  “I’m not sure I know,” Alexis replied. “Nor do I want to.”

  The two Alexises stared at each other, old eyes to young eyes, locked in a power play that had been repeated by fathers and sons for generations.

  “Fine,” Alexis conceded. “The Thraen can accompany you. But he does not attend any official meetings and he is not there in any diplomatic capacity. He is your friend only and will be expected to behave himself and tame that prime streak in him. If I get one hint of impropriety, I will order the royal guard to shoot him out an airlock.”

  “I’d expect nothing less, Father,” Minor Alexis bowed. “Thank you.”

  “Fah,” Alexis grumbled and waved his son away. “Let me go get cleaned up as your mother has ordered.”

  “Step-mother,” Minor Alexis corrected.

  “Mother,” Alexis replied. “The woman married to me is your mother and she will be respected as such.”

  “Of course,” Minor Alexis said. “Better get cleaned up then, before Mother gets upset.”

  Alexis pursed his lips and shook his head, but said nothing else as he turned and strode down the passageway. Minor Alexis watched him go then burst out in a huge grin and hurried towards the banquet hall.

  * * *

  “Do you think he will be alright with that Thraen?” Alexis asked as he lay in bed with Meredith, a breen wax candle burning and flickering on the table beside them. “There is something about him I do not like. And did you see what he was wearing? What insane style is that?”

  “You’re talking about the trousers, aren’t you?” Meredith asked.

  “Yes, I’m talking about the bloody trousers!” Alexis snapped then took a deep breath. “Sorry.”

  “The patched trousers are the latest trend in the court of Station Thraen,” Meredith said. “They may look silly, but apparently each patch is carefully placed so that the positions have some sort of meaning.”

  “Meaning? What meaning?” Alexis asked.

  “That I don’t know, my love,” Meredith said. “I’m an old woman now and not privy to the secrets of the youth.”

  “Old woman, my ass,” Alexis laughed as he ran his hand up and down Meredith’s thigh. “You are barely older than thirty. I’m the old one in this marriage, not you.”

  “Thirty is old,” Meredith sighed. “If you were to pass, Helios forbid, I would not be much of a catch. Not with much younger and firmer examples running about the stations. I’m afraid two children have ruined my firmness.”

  “Oh, be quiet,” Alexis laughed as he rolled on top of her. “Any man would be lucky to have you, with your firmness.” He kissed her and then rolled back to his side of the bed.

  “That’s it? A kiss?” Meredith asked, this time rolling on top of him. “We have been on the prime for six days now and we have yet to consummate this trip.”

  “What about in the third floor closest the afternoon we arrived?” Alexis asked as he lay under his wife, his arms pinned by her hands. “I’d say that consummated things quite nicely.”

  “That was for you, dear,” Meredith said. “I knew you wouldn’t rest until you’d gotten in me. Tonight, my love, tonight is for me.” Her hands found him and she smiled as she gave him a squeeze. “And that is for me, as well. You better be up to the task, dearest of loves, because I had a quick nap earlier and I’m rested and ready to get my turn.”

  “Oh, the torture you put me through,” Alexis said as he leaned his head up and nipped at her lips.

  Meredith laughed and bent down, her mouth parted and tongue wet. But they were interrupted by a loud knock at the door before they could go any further. Alexis sighed and Meredith swore as she rolled off him and he swung his legs from the bed, looking for his trousers.

  “Hold on!” Alexis snapped as he stood and found his trousers peeking from under the bed.

  He hop-footed into them as he made his way over to the royal bedchamber door. He winced slightly as the skin around his ever present wound stretched tight. He stopped in front of the door, took a deep breath, steadied his anger, and then yanked open the door.

  “This better be good,” Alexis snapped.

  “Sire,” a guard said. “We are getting reports of some disturbances on the lease holdings. A message was received by the communication system that Thraen troops have moved into the regio
n and are demanding back taxes.”

  “Back taxes?” Alexis asked, truly puzzled. “What in Helios’s name could they be thinking of? We pay no taxes on the lease holdings. That’s what the lease payments are for!”

  “Yes, sire,” the guard said, bowing. “I am just relaying what I have been told.”

  “Fine, right, yes,” Alexis growled. “I’ll be to the communications room shortly. Let me get dressed.”

  “Yes, sire,” the guard said as he hurried away.

  Alexis looked over his shoulder at his obviously disappointed wife.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said as he walked over and found his tunic. “I’m sure it’s some general or commander trying to make a name for himself. I’ll get it sorted out and be back right away. No falling asleep. I promise to perform my husbandly duties immediately upon my return.”

  “Yes, well, don’t be surprised if I get started without you,” Meredith smirked. “A mistress cannot be left waiting.”

  “I’ll hurry,” Alexis grinned. “That is a promise.”

  * * *

  The paper in his hands shook as he tried to keep his boiling rage from spilling over. Alexis read the message for a fifth time before wadding the paper up and tossing it across the meeting room.

  “What in Helios’s name is the man thinking?” Alexis shouted. “Taxing me? Taxing the Master of Station Aelon? It’s never been done! A master cannot tax another master!”

  “He is not considering you a master, but a tenant just like any other lease holder,” Stolt said, having just arrived on the planet. “He does have the High Guardian’s approval. You can see by the official seal that—”

  “Oh, fuck off, Stolt!” Alexis roared. “That whore of a gatekeeper puts his official seal on anything someone pays him enough for! He’d stamp my cock if I gave him enough credits! I could have the only cock in the system that is ordained by the High Guardian! Only the Dear Parent would have a more holy cock than mine!”

  “Does Helios have a cock?” Meredith asked, smiling. “I never really thought about it before. Do you think it glows?”

  “Not now, wife,” Alexis snapped. “This is not the time for jokes or lev—”

  “Oh, shut up, Alexis,” Meredith said. “This is the time for jokes because this entire situation is one giant joke!”

  “Excuse me, your highness, but I think it is more complicated than mere humor,” Stolt said. “Don’t you agree, gentlemen?”

  The other men seated at the table looked from Stolt to Mistress Meredith then to the master, who was busy pacing back and forth, his anger blinding him to half of what was happening in the room.

  “I believe the mistress may not grasp the scope of the dilemma,” a man said. Younger than Alexis and Stolt, the man kept his shoulders bunched and head down in order to seem subservient at all times.

  The prime administrator, Jorben Tallaly was tasked with making sure all Aelish planetside operations ran smoothly and efficiently. That included the lease holdings on Thraen Prime. His body language gave the impression he knew he was not doing his duty.

  “General Herlect is very serious about the payment of the taxes, sire,” Tallaly said, turning his attention to the master. “He does have sufficient forces to take and shut down our operations on Thraen Prime.”

  “But he won’t do it,” Meredith said. “I know Staunchton better than anyone in this room. My cousin is a taint. Pure and simple. He’s always wanted claim to the Thraen crown, but being one step removed from it, he’s decided that he’ll kill and blow things up instead. The silly twerp has always been a sadist and a bully. He killed one of my trollen birds when I was a child, just to make me cry. Punch him in the nuts and he’ll crumple like any man.”

  “We can hardly punch the commander of the Thraen Prime forces in the nuts,” Stolt said.

  “Well, not sitting there like a lump, you can’t,” Meredith said. “You’d actually have to get up off your old, fat ass to do it.”

  “Mer,” Alexis warned. “Please.”

  “Oh, don’t Mer me,” Meredith responded as she stood up and looked the men in the eyes.

  Besides Stolt and Tallaly, there was Steward Hylora, a thin man of indiscriminate age; Steward Prochan, a young man who had just taken his birthright after his father had fallen from a balcony one drunken night; and Steward Exchester, a man as round as he was tall.

  “I may be Mistress of Station Aelon, but I am also Minoress of Station Thraen, don’t forget,” Meredith snapped. “You men sit here and wonder what Staunchton’s motivations are when you should be focusing on my brother’s. Paul is toying with our cousin, making him feel important and worth something other than a babysitter for a hunk of rock stuck on a planet worth nothing except for Vape and breen.”

  “Uh, those two items are quite important, your highness,” Steward Exchester said. “Breen is a valuable commodity that can be made into—”

  “Shut up, Exchester,” Alexis said. “My wife knows what breen is and she knows how important Vape is. What she’s trying to say is that Master Paul of Thraen wants something other than taxes and probably has not let his cousin know that yet. Am I right, dear?”

  “You are, as always,” Meredith said. “My cousin thinks he’s collecting taxes when he’s actually just a distraction from the real goal.”

  “Which is what, your highness?” Stolt asked.

  “Marriage,” Meredith said, shocking even her husband with her answer. “I still have my sources in the Thraen court. Paul feels that the lease holdings on Thraen Prime are too important to be in constant negotiations. He wants a more permanent arrangement. I believe he’s willing to give them as part of a dowry, with the explicit precept that a Thraenish team mine the land and proceeds are sent to Station Aelon, not raw materials.”

  She laughed at the looks on the men’s faces.

  “Oh, close your mouths, you’ll collect honey wasps,” Meredith smiled. “My brother loves to scheme and figure out a way to skim off the top. He can’t do it to the Thraen stewards or he’ll risk an uprising, so that leaves Thraen Prime, specifically the land leased to Aelon. Are you seriously telling me you never saw this coming?”

  “No, we did not,” Stolt replied. “But, whether true or not, it does bring up a topic I wanted to talk about.”

  “Don’t we have enough topics to deal with?” Alexis growled.

  “This touches on what the mistress has said,” Stolt replied. “It is in regards to the minor, your son.”

  “I assume you mean Alexis and not Thomas,” Alexis replied.

  “I do, sire,” Stolt nodded. “As you know I was with the young man for a week until you called me down here. I have to say I witnessed some rather, well, disturbing behavior.”

  “He’s a spirited lad,” Alexis said as he stopped his pacing and took his seat next to his wife. “What trouble did he get into?”

  “That list would be too long for the time we have available, sire,” Stolt said. “Let me just say that all troubles the minor may have placed himself in were always with the company of that young man, Gannot DuChaer.”

  “Yes, they are fast friends,” Alexis sneered. “And it is not a friendship I condone. I’ll have the Thraen removed from the station as soon as I return there.”

  “I’m afraid the damage may already be done, sire,” Stolt said. “The DuChaer boy has his hooks in Minor Alexis. And I do not believe the minor cares or is inclined to remove said hooks.”

  “Sycophants come and go, Cousin,” Alexis smiled at the steward. “You of all people should know that.”

  “Right you are, your highness,” Stolt replied. “It’s just that, well, I believe this is more than sycophancy. The two young men’s relationship may be more complicated than that.”

  “More complicated?” Alexis asked. “What in Helios’s name are you babbling about?”

  “Oh, knock it off, Alexis,” Meredith said. “Take the blinders from your eyes and admit that you know well and true what Stolt is saying. Alexis and that DuChaer
boy are more than friends. They are lovers and you know exactly how dangerous that can be.”

  “Lovers…” Alexis said, sighing deeply. “I may have suspected, but I wasn’t sure.”

  “I’m not condemning the minor in any way,” Stolt said. “That is up to Helios to do, but the meeting of the stewards, not to mention the meeting of the passengers, will not stand for a queer master. I am above such judgment, but others are not.”

  “You son needs to stop slapping blades or we’ll lose the station,” Meredith said, causing everyone, except Alexis to gasp. “Oh, don’t be prude or act like this is the first time two men have ever had a lustful relationship. Please, I’m from Thraen. Half the men there prefer cock to twat most days of the week.”

  “Dear Helios,” Steward Prochan exclaimed. “Such language! And from a mistress!”

  “Oh, grow up, Prochan,” Meredith said. “Everyone knows your own brother likes the rod. Don’t act all offended.”

  “Mer, stop,” Alexis said softly, touching his wife’s arm. “They get the point.”

  “But the point, sire, is that the minor’s proclivities put the station at risk,” Stolt said. “If Mistress Meredith is right, and I have no reason to doubt she is, then a marriage between stations may be just what the crown needs. The minor gets a wife, and shows the stations he’s not what he is suspected to be, and we get long term stability with our lease holdings on Thraen Prime.”

  “We were supposed to have stability when I married Meredith!” Alexis snapped.

  “Yes, well, that marriage was not of Master Paul’s choosing,” Stolt said. “It was your personal choice, sire.”

  “At a significant cost to the crown, I know, I know,” Alexis sighed. “Master Paul will want terms that benefit Thraen and not Aelon. Who knows the amount of revenue that will be lost when he takes control? And why would we let him do that, anyway? If his daughter is to marry my son then he should be giving me the lease holdings as part of the dowry!”

  “Precisely, sire,” Stolt said. “Don’t worry about the details of the transaction. I will make sure that, in the long run, Station Aelon comes out ahead and profits from the arrangement.”