AntiBio 2: The Control War Read online

Page 6

  “Dogs!” Jude shouts. “On me!”

  The bug hounds retreat quickly, tearing a path back to their humans, as the vermin rip into the cooties and sick mutts.

  Milo gives the things one last look before he grabs Hoagie and helps the man hobble back down the hallway after Jude with the bug hounds right behind them.


  Rock and debris fill the fore view screen as Nick swerves the transport around a huge sink hole. A sink hole quickly made bigger by cannon fire from the pursuing GenSOF transport.

  “Their idea of capture and contain sure looks a lot like kill and destroy!” Blaze yells as he fires back at the transport. The vehicle just barely dodges the blasts and keeps coming. “Fuckers.”

  “They are going to try to do as much damage as possible,” Ton says. “Wound a couple of us, knock some more out, make us weak. Disable the threat before containing it.”

  “Screw those assholes,” Marco says. “I’ll disable their dicks.”

  “That makes no fucking sense, Marco,” Collette laughs. “But I like it. Let’s disable some dicks!”

  “Your people aren’t the most stable, are they?” Ton smirks at Red.

  “Ain’t nothing stable in the Sicklands, brother,” Red laughs.

  A canon blast sends the transport rocking up onto two wheels as Nick fights for control.

  “Hold on!” Nick shouts as he manipulates the control ports and tries to bring the transport back down to earth. “This is gonna hurt!”

  He pushes the power to full and the transport accelerates on just two wheels. Nick yanks the vehicle hard to the right, sending it into a sudden roll. Everyone starts to shout and scream as they are turned upside down then there is silence as the transport rights itself and is back on all four wheels.

  “Piece of cake,” Nick laughs nervously. “Piece of fucking cake.”

  “Don’t do that again,” Paulo says.

  “Want me to show you that move later?” Nick asks.

  “No!” everyone yells.

  “Shit, the other two transports are coming for us too,” Blaze says. “They look pretty beat up.”

  “That’s because the cooties did a serious job on them,” Ton says as he brings up the rear image onto the view screen in front of him. “They aren’t chasing us, they’re running from the cooties.”

  Ton’s eyes go wide as he sees exactly why.

  “Are you shitting me sideways?” he gasps. “The cooties have rifles! Shit, a lot of them.”

  Blaze zooms in on his image and adjusts the angle so he is looking past the pursuing transports and at the cooties behind. “You’re right, LT. That’s a lot of firepower. Looks like LK-92s. They must have picked them up from the GenWreck bases.”

  “They can pick them up all they want,” Ton says. “Cooties can barely wipe their asses without blowing their own heads off. They’ll be shooting holes in each other, not in the GenSOF transports.”

  “Doesn’t really matter,” Red says. “They aren’t our first concern right now.”

  Nick brings the transport over a crest and then slams on the brakes, jerking the controls to the left to keep the vehicle from tumbling into the wide abyss before them. He hits the accelerator again and carefully threads their way along a narrow ridge that winds down and around into the abyss.

  “You seeing something we aren’t?” Red asks him. “Because I see a giant hole that you are driving us into.”

  “Gonna drive us to the other side then see if I can get us up over the far lip and back on course,” Nick says.

  “You know we are driving down, right?” Collette asks. “We want to go up.”

  “You want to drive?” Nick snaps.

  “No, thanks,” Collette says.

  “Then shut your fuck hole,” Nick says.

  “It must have been a while since you got any,” Collette says. “Because my fuck hole is not what does the talking, although it does have some serious opinions on issues of the day.”

  “Shut it,” Red orders. “Let the driver drive. You shooter shoot.”

  “One down!” Blaze cheers. “The second transport didn’t make the stop. Dove right into the hole.”

  Everyone switches their view screens in time to watch the transport tumble end over end into the deep darkness below. After a couple seconds, there is a bright flash and a geyser of flame shoots straight up into the air.

  “Oh…shit,” Blaze says. “Did anyone else see that?”

  “Big flame, baby,” Jersey says, looking a little green as the transport continues to spiral towards the other side of the abyss. “We all saw it.”

  “No, no, there was something in the flame,” Blaze says. “It had eyes and teeth. A lot of teeth.”

  “How many?” Red asks.

  “I don’t know, a lot,” Blaze says. “I didn’t get a chance to count how many.”

  “No, how many things did you see?” Red asks.

  “Just the one,” Blaze says. “And one is enough.”

  “Stray vermin,” Red says. “Nothing to worry about.”

  “Vermin?” Ton asks. “Those exist?”

  “Yep,” Red nods. “But one can’t do us any harm. It’ll be roadkill if it gets anywhere near us. The explosion must have scared it up here.”

  “Hold on,” Blaze says. “I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing. If this thing catches us then we’re the roadkill. It was fucking huge. The teeth were as long as my legs.”

  “What?” Red asks. “That’s not possible. Your view screen must have magnified it. What did it look like? A big bug with a reptile head and rat tail?”

  “Uh, no, nothing like that,” Blaze replies. “More like a huge ape fucked a snake.”

  “Oh, mother of mercy,” Marco whispers. “Red? They should all be dead, man. Scythe Squad nuked those fuckers.”

  “Apparently not all of them,” Red replies then looks at Nick. “Get us back up. I don’t care if we aren’t on the other side of this hole, get us out of here.”

  Nick nods quickly and looks at the view to his left. He studies the wall of the abyss then smiles. “Okay. Collette? Marco? I need you to fire grappling hooks on my mark. We’re going to try to scale this wall with cables and winches, got it?”

  “That’s the stupidest idea I have ever heard,” Collette says. “Have you ever done this before? Because I know I have never seen you do it.”

  “I’ve done it with slides,” Nick says. “It’s not as hard as it sounds. You fire first and then Marco fires when I tell him. It’s a hand over hand thing.”

  “This transport doesn’t have hands, dipshit,” Marco says. “You’re just gonna get us killed.”

  “Red?” Nick asks, looking at the captain. “Your call?”

  “You think you can do this?” Red asks.

  “I know I can,” Nick nods.

  “Then we do it,” Red says. “Collette, prepare to fire.”

  “Shit,” Collette grumbles as she switches her controls from cannons to grappling rockets.

  “Okay, I’m going to swing us out over the ridge,” Nick says.

  “What?” everyone shouts.

  “It’s about leverage,” Nick says. “When I turn us right, I want you to fire, Collette. Send those rockets high, but keep their formation tight. This is all about—”

  “Leverage. Yeah, we heard you,” Collette says. “This is stupid. This is stupid.”

  “Shut up and get ready,” Nick says then yanks the controls to the right. “Fire!”

  Collette fires and the grappling rockets soar up into the air.

  While the rockets soar, the fore end of the transport hangs weightless for a second out over the edge, then begins to fall forward. Ton braces himself and starts to say a prayer, but it catches in his throat as he sees what is coming at them from below.

  “It’s going to eat us,” he cries as a giant maw opens wide before them.

  Then the grappling rockets hit the edge of the abyss and set their massive hooks deep into the rock. The tr
ansport is yanked backwards and everyone shouts as they are jolted hard enough to crack teeth.

  The maw before them slams shut on empty air then opens up in a great roar of frustration.

  “Marco! Your turn,” Nick yells. “Aim off to the left! We’re going to swing ourselves from spot to spot until we can swing up onto the surface!”

  Marco takes aim, but he fires way wide as the transport is rammed by one of the GenSOF transports. The thing from below attacks again, but this time with a massive claw, grabbing the GenSOF transport and jamming it into its drooling maw.

  “Reset! Reset!” Nick yells. “Fire again!”

  “I can’t!” Marco says. “The transport smashed into the rocket ports! I can’t get the grappling system to come online on this side!”

  “So what the fuck does that mean?” Collette yells.

  “We’re stuck dangling here with our tits hanging out!” Nick yells.

  “Fuck this,” Jersey says and unstraps herself. She works her way to the orb bot that floats alone, jammed into a corner. “Worm?”

  “Yes, Ms. Cale?” Worm replies.

  “Compress all systems except personality protocol,” jersey says. “You’re getting a new shell.”

  “Jersey? What are you talking about?” Blaze asks.

  “I’m transferring Worm into this orb,” Jersey replies as she yanks wires free from an interface. “There’s still one GenSOF transport up there. I say we ditch this tin can and go take it. Better than waiting to get eaten by whatever the fuck that thing is down there.”

  The operators look at each other then unstrap as one and scramble to grab their gear.


  The air vent comes away easily and Jude tosses it to the side, an apologetic look on his face as he almost hits Hoagie.

  “Wasn’t on purpose,” Jude says.

  “Didn’t think it was,” Hoagie says. “But pay better attention. I can’t exactly dodge and duck.”

  Milo peers into the air duct and shakes his head. “That’s quite a climb.”

  “It’s only about five feet then it levels out,” Jude says. “We have about thirty meters of crawling before we get to the external interchange. Disable that and we’re back outside.”

  “Which isn’t exactly a good thing,” Hoagie says. “Then what?”

  “There’s a supply cache close by,” Jude says. “Just in case something like this happens.”

  “Food? Water? What else is in this cache?” Milo asks.

  “Hopefully some heavy duty dope,” Hoagie winces, rubbing his legs. “Or I’m not going very far.”

  “There’s food and water, but no dope,” Jude says. “Sorry.” He snaps his fingers. “Ajax! Up!”

  The bug hound leaps onto a crate then jumps inside the air duct, his black form lost from sight almost instantly.

  “Zeus,” Jude orders and the other GenWreck bug hound leaps inside. “Now you.”

  Jude points at Hoagie, but the big man just shakes his head.

  “Nope. You first, kid,” Hoagie says. “Then Milo and the rest of the bug hounds. I’ll take up the rear.”

  “It’ll be easier if you are up front,” Jude says. “We can help push you along, if we need to.”

  “That’s the problem,” Hoagie says. “You shouldn’t have to help me do anything. I’m a liability.” The sounds of screams and growls filter in through the open door to the supply room where they stand. “Hear that? If any of those cooties or sick mutts survives then they are going to come looking for us. I can hold them off while you guys get to safety.”

  “Hoag, come on, man,” Milo says. “We don’t leave people behind.”

  “You won’t be,” Hoagie says. “I don’t plan on quitting, I’m just being practical. You know it’s the right decision to make, Milo. Admit it.”

  “Fuck you,” Milo says then nods to Jude. “Hop in, kid. We’ll do it his way.” He looks at the air duct opening and frowns. “If I can fucking fit in this.”

  “See,” Hoagie smiles. “You need me back behind your giant ass to give you a shove when you get stuck.” He holds up his hand. “Fuck off before you say it.”

  “Wasn’t going to say a word,” Milo grins as he watches Jude crawl inside the duct. He grabs on to the edges and gives Hoagie a serious look. “You need help, you better fucking holler.”

  “I will,” Hoagie says. “Don’t worry. I’m pretty fucking good at hollering.”

  Milo nods and climbs up inside the duct, his bulk barely squeezing through. Hoagie snickers as he watches the man wriggle his way up the duct, listening to the way the metal groans and protests as it is warped and bent to make room.

  “Now you,” Hoagie says, snapping his fingers at the bug hounds. They all look at Hoagie, but don’t move. “Get in there and crawl up. You know how to do this. Just like the simple drills at the GenSOF tower.” The bug hounds still don’t move. “I’ll be right behind you guys. I promise. Now go.”

  The bug hounds each give him a sniff then jump up into the duct and one by one are lost from sight.

  “Good dogs,” Hoagie says as he bends down and picks up the vent grate.

  He snaps it over the duct opening then twists the bolts until it is secure. Hoagie grabs his rifle and turns back towards the supply room opening. Painful step after painful step he walks out into the hallway and towards the fight beyond.

  “Ain’t gonna die out in the Sicklands like some cootie,” Hoagie mutters to himself. “I’m gonna die like an operator and take some fucks with me.”


  A faux pile of rocks shifts and slides away as Ajax and Zeus work their way out of the external hatch that protects the air vent from the elements of the Sicklands. The two bug hounds jump to the ground then immediately take a protective stance, their eyes wary and ready for an attack.

  “Good pups,” Jude says as he follows them out into the gloom of the Sicklands light. “Check the area.”

  The two dogs each give a quick grunt then take off in different directions. Jude turns around and offers his hand to Milo who is struggling to squeeze out of the vent opening.

  “I got it,” Milo says as he tumbles to the dirt. He stands quickly, snapping his rifle in place then surveys the area. “Where is the main entrance in relation to this position?”

  “Back that way,” Jude says, pointing to the large pile of rocks about one hundred meters off. “The cache is this way.”

  One by one, the GenSOF bug hounds leap out of the vent then take up their own protective positions. Milo waits for Hoagie, but when he doesn’t show he leans into the vent, the light from his rifle showing nothing but empty space.

  “Hoag!” he shouts. There is no reply.

  “I didn’t think he was coming,” Jude says.

  “What?” Milo snaps. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “He had that look in his eye,” Jude shrugs. “Seen it lots of times with operators out here. They know they can’t make it and will just drag down the squad so they go out with honor. It’s like the GenSOF oath says, we are more than honor and duty. We are human beings. And we are obligated to protect all other human beings. That is our true mission.” Jude shrugs again. “He was completing his mission.”

  “Stupid son of a bitch,” Milo says and starts to climb back into the vent.

  “Where are you going?” Jude cries.

  “To get my friend,” Milo says. “I’m making that my mission.”

  Far below, the sounds of rifle fire echo up to them.

  “Too late,” Jude says. “If he does kill the cooties and sick mutts, he’s still going to have the vermin on him. He’s shown himself to be a threat. We can’t save him. He’s gone. We have to get to my dad and the other operators. I have to find them and tell them Gold Base has been lost. That means my dad is the new CO. He has to know so he can coordinate the rest of the GenWrecks.”

  Milo is about to reply, but stops and shakes his head. He turns from the vent and puts his rifle to his shoulder.

  “Take us to t
he cache,” Milo says. “We get the supplies and then we book ass to the next bunker. How far?”

  “Eight clicks due south,” Jude says. “Can you make it?”

  “Kid, I’ve made it this far,” Milo says. “And my buddy just sacrificed himself so we’d survive. Eight clicks is nothing compared to that.”

  “Good,” Jude says. “Follow me.”

  Milo nods and looks out at the barren Sicklands, a hatred for the landscape growing into something he can channel and use.


  “Eat this! And this! And this!” Hoagie yells as he fires at the oncoming cooties, tearing open skulls, ripping into chests, blasting off arms and shattering legs. “You sick fucks! You think you can take me? Fuck you! And fuck you! And fuck you!”

  The bodies pile up, choking the hallway until there is no room for more cooties or sick mutts to get at him. He smiles at his work and quickly reloads his rifle before limping backwards towards the supply room. For a brief second, he has hope that he will actually make it out and join Milo and the kid.

  Then the growl behind him shatters that hope.

  Before he can spin around, he feels the impact of nearly two hundred pounds of muscle and fury directly against his spine. There is more pain than he can comprehend then suddenly no pain. At least no pain below his waist.

  Hoagie hits the ground and twists his torso so he can see the sick mutt that is on him. The thing’s muzzle is torn to shreds and bloody foam drips from between its teeth. Hoagie growls at it and the sick mutt pauses for a second, confused by the sound.

  “You’re that fucking thing that’s been tracking us this whole time, aren’t you?” Hoagie snarls. “Don’t think I don’t recognize you, you disgusting fuck. I know you. I got you clocked, you miserable piece of—”

  Hoagie never finishes as the sick mutt, the alpha, rips into his throat, biting so deep it snaps Hoagie’s neck in one bite.

  The alpha chews on the meat and gristle for a couple minutes then stops, his matted and torn ears perking up at the sound coming from the pile of bodies. The drive inside him, the voice from above, tells him to leave quickly, find a way out, survive at all costs so he can spread the gospel to the rest of the sick mutts in the Sicklands, spread the word of the Other to the cooties and bring them together as planned.


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